Definitions for "Clash in the Coliseum"
Keywords:  coliseum, duel, episode, monsters, yugi
Clash in the Coliseum (1) (Japanese: 天空闘戯場 遊戯vs海馬, Sky Coliseum - Yugi VS Kaiba) is episode 129 of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters.
Clash in the Coliseum (2) (Japanese: 神を喚よぶ三騎士, The Three God-Summoning Knights) is episode 130 of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters.
Clash in the Coliseum (3) (Japanese: 激突! 神vs神, Clash! God VS God) is episode 131 of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters.