Definitions for "Chicken tractor"
Keywords:  bottomless, coop, garden, pen, portable
A portable cage, usually 6 to 8 feet long and 2 or more feet wide, with covering or wire on all sides but the bottom. Chickens are put into this, allowing them to scratch for bugs and weeds (and their manure to drop into the soil or grass), while keeping them confined to a set area. Many people use chicken tractors to prepare their garden space, or to clean up after the garden is finished - in each instance by moving the t ractor every couple of days until the entire area has been "treated". Also useful as chicken hospitals or nurseries for broodies.
a bottomless, portable pen that can be moved wherever you need help in the garden
a bottomless, portable pen that fits over your garden beds
Keywords:  moveable, facilitates, house
a moveable chicken house that facilitates such