Definitions for "Ceramics"
The art of making things of baked clay; as pottery, tiles, etc.
Work formed of clay in whole or in part, and baked; as, vases, urns, etc.
Describes any object of clay that has been hardened by fire.
Ceramics, ceramic magnets, alumina ceramic, ceramic coating, fiber and tubing manufacturers.
Ceramics are hard, high melting point materials, produced by the reaction of metals with elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. Common industrial ceramics include alumina (Al2O3), titanium carbide (TiC), titanium nitride (TiN), and tungsten carbide (WC).
Compounds of a metal and oxygen formed of chemically and bio-chemically stable substances that are strong, hard, brittle and inert nonconductors of thermal and electrical energy. Characterized by ionic bonding.
(n) Materials, usually with crystal structures, created from compounds of metallic and nonmetallic elements. Ceramics can withstand high temperatures and resist wear. Some ceramics, such as glass, are not crystalline in structure.
Keywords:  symbol, uniqueness
a symbol of uniqueness