Definitions for "CERA"
Catcher Earned Run Average, calculated by finding the staff ERA of all pitchers' innings caught by a given catcher. It is expressed exactly like ERA, and is often used to demonstrate a catcher's ability to "handle" his given pitching staff. Japanese managers place prime importance on CERA, although their American counterparts have been slow to do likewise. See also: Craig Wright.
Catcher's Earned Run Average
a new drug under development for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease patients
an innovative anti-anemia agent which stimulates red blood cell production at the receptors involved in a novel and continuous fashion
an innovative chemical entity being investigated for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease and anemia associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients
finger like respiratory structure bearing extensions of the digestive gland and occurring in groups of parallel series along dorsum.
Cera is a friend of Littlefoot in The Land Before Time film series. She is a Triceratops.