Definitions for "Capital Adequacy"
The measure of the sufficiency of a firm’s funds to meet its business and regulatory obligations; see Financial Resources and Financial Resources Requirement.
The ratio of a bank's capital to its assets. Regulators set minimum levels to protect both depositors and the economy.... more on: Capital adequacy
a) An internationally-adopted standard for the prudential supervision of banks, under which minimum levels of shareholders' equity (weighted according to the risks associated with different kinds of activity) must be maintained to support the investment and lending activities of banks. (See also Risk Weighting); b) In relation to public offer funds, a requirement under the SIS Legislation that the approved trustee maintain a prescribed level of capital in cases where the trustee intends to keep custody of the fund's assets (or, alternatively, that the custodian is appropriately capitalised in cases where an external custodian is used).
Keywords:  solvency, ratio, see
See solvency ratio.