Definitions for "Calcium Carbonate"
Keywords:  caco, chalk, limestone, calcite, filler
Type of lime commonly used in horticulture. Sometimes mixed with potting soil in order to increase the pH. Also see Dolomite.
Crystalline compounds formed in swimming pool and spa water when the calcium, pH and total alkalinity levels are too high. Once formed, the crystals adhere to the plumbing, equipment, pool walls and pool bottom. These crystals are better known as scale.
A compound, CaCO, found in plant ashes, bones, shells, limestone, chalk, and marble.
See antacid.
fast acting antacid. Has mild solidifying, constipating effect. Salicylamide: common supplement to aspirin. Relieves pain and reduces fever but does not irritate stomach lining.
A mineral taken primarily as a supplement to prevent osteoporosis. It is also being studied for breast cancer prevention.
a "salt" used by many marine invertebrates, such as corals and echinoderms, and by protists, such as coccolithophorids, to construct their exoskeletons.
the primary mineral that comprises the shell of a mollusk
A mineral that helps lighten skin and even out skin tone.
Keeps molecules from clumping together in the manufacturing process, and holding together molecules at the same time so they don't separate.