Definitions for "Bunkers"
Keywords:  fuel, ship, stowage, voyage, heavy
Fuel to be used by the vessel's engines for power during the voyage; but not fuel loaded on board the vessel as cargo.
The ship's fuel. It is in most cases diesel or heavy fuel oil.
fuel such as oil stored in the bunker and used for running ships machinery
(or "'''bunker gear'''"): colloquial term for protective pants and boots kept near a firefighter's bunk for rapid deployment; more modernly includes firefighting jacket. Basis for command to "Bunker up!" in preparation for hazardous duties. May also refer to entire protective clothing ensemble.
Also known as `sand traps,' these are hollows filled with sand and placed strategically around a course. Bunkers can be as long or wide as wished by the course designer, and vary considerably in the steepness of their sides.