Definitions for "Bracketing"
the act of shooting a scene several times with different F-stops to try and get a certain desired effect
A term from photography. Simply means taking reference exposures before and after the `main' exposure bracketing it in time. Can be used to apply to a pair of series of exposures taken before and after science data. For example, arc frames, flat-field frames etc., are usually collected both before and after observing to allow any time dependency to be found and, at least to a first order, compensated for.
A technique that consists of taking a series of different exposures of the same shot to ensure the best possible picture quality given the light conditions. Usually a shot is taken at the reference exposure based upon lighting conditions, then shots at the next highest and the next lowest exposure setting (i.e. stop). Some cameras feature an automatic bracketing feature that allows you do to the same thing without having to manually set the exposure values for the additional shots. See also STOP.
"[T]he process of thinking away the natural interpretation of an experience in order to concentrate on its intrinsic nature or phenomenology" ( Blackburn).
In E. G. A. Husserl's phenomenology, one can never know if the external world has any existence independent of the perceiving subject. Accordingly, one "puts on hold" (i.e., brackets) any speculations concerning the external world, turning instead to a profound investigation of the workings of one's own consciousness.
The separating of an empathetic description of a religious phenomenon from the speaker's or writer's own person -- putting it in neutral, as it were -- so that the phenomenon may be observed, understood, and appreciated for what it is on its own apart from whatever the personal position of the speaker or writer may be on the subject. Instead of directly giving expression to the convictions of the participant, bracketing defers to the participant as holding those convictions. E.g., instead of saying, "In the Roman Catholic Mass the bread and wine sacramentally become the body and blood of Christ," bracketing would say, "In the Mass, Roman Catholics believe that the bread and wine sacramentally become the body and blood of Christ."
used in semiotics to indicate the suspension of interest (for analytic purposes) in the relationship between signs and their referents. The term is also helpful in understanding the mental attitude required when doing discourse analysis or any analytic approach that treats text as a topic rather than a resource. Instead of considering the claims made in texts about reality outside the text, bracketing forces the analyst to consider the 'reality' the text constructs.
Suspending, setting aside our biases, everyday understandings, theories, beliefs, habitual modes of thought, and judgments. For example, analyses of cause and effect must be bracketed in order to understand the phenomenon as it shows itself. Part of the larger process of epoche´.
Photography Chromatic-aberration Photography
Photography Browser Web Design , Communications
In linguistics, particularly linguistic morphology, bracketing is a term of art that refers to how an utterance can be represented as a hierarchical tree of constituent parts. Analysis techniques based on bracketing are used at different levels of grammar, but are particularly associated with morphologically complex words.
Bracketing is the principle of balance and it has been largely supportive to real estate loan underwriting and appraisal review. It uses characteristics of the property to fit within a range of value. Moreover, these characteristics in analysis appear on both sides (plus or minus) of the estimate of market value. It's this bracketing (+/-) concept that weighs heavily around market value which has gained acceptance by appraisers. If a property can't be bracketed, an appraisal is usually required to determine a home's value.
A trading range market or a price region that is non-trending.
The operation of combining categories or ranges of values of a variable so as to produce a small number of categories. Sometimes referred to as "collapsing" or "grouping."
Projecting, decorative support under eaves or overhangs on a building.
Keywords:  serif, stroke, curve, degree, main
The degree of curve connecting a serif with the main stroke.
negotiating tactic whereby the negotiator separates the issues to be negotiated in order of priority
Keywords:  series, collectively, group
A series or group of brackets; brackets, collectively.