Definitions for "Bloating"
Keywords:  abdomen, meals, gassy, kale, broccoli
a condition in which the abdomen feels full and tight; often caused by excessive intestinal gas
A puffing up of the abdomen, usually caused by excess gas that has accumulated in the small and/or large intestines. Lactose intolerance, IBS, and other intestinal disorders may increase one's likelihood of experiencing bloating. Gassy foods such as beans, peanuts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and related foods may lead to bloating from fermentation of a certain carbohydrate that is high in these foods. Also, improper digestion of other nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) may cause bloating.
A feeling of fullness in the abdomen, often occurring after meals.
Keywords:  retention, swollen, pee, beyond, belly
A condition that makes areas of the body swell. Bloating is caused by water retention. Before your period, hormonal changes may cause your body to hold back some of the water that you would usually pee or sweat out. Your belly, breasts, even your fingers can bloat.
swollen beyond normal size usually caused by water retention.
A damaged, swollen processed food can or glass container, which may indicate contamination, a safety hazard.
Keywords:  trapped, bubble, clay, gases, fluorine
A distortion caused by moving gases when the firing process occurs too rapidly.
The unwanted blistering of the body caused by trapped gases; carbon monoxide and dioxide, sulfur or fluorine, within the clay body.
A swelling or expansion of body due to (a) over firing or irregular firing, (b) carbon trapped within a vitreous body, it's appearance is of a bubble formation within the body.