Definitions for "Beit"
Beit is the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. For further explanation see Beit Significance. (including writing and audio pronunciation) Beracha: BeRaCHa The pray-er's (remember, "person at prayer") subordinate status with respect to the Divine is hinted at in the Hebrew word BaRuCH ("blessed"), since the same Hebrew root also signifies the word "knee" (BeReCH). In other words, between the lines of each beracha, God is figuratively approached "on bended knees"
Literally, "house," but a generic word used to identify all kinds of establishments, like, beit sua--"bar" or "beer house;" beit mengeb--"restaurant" or "food house"; beit lehem--"bakery" or "bread house" (Hebrew Bethlehem, "house of bread"); shai beit--"Tea house"; and many more.
Beit is the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. For further explanation see Alef-Beit Significances. Also see: The Mystical Significance of the Hebrew Letters (including an image and audio pronunciation of each letter).
Keywords:  omani, clan, grouping
Omani clan grouping.