Definitions for "Bant"
Keywords:  cuba, yuka, carabali, carabal, macuta
People of bantú or congo origin. In Cuba the proverb "Quien no tiene de Congo tiene de Carabali" (He who doesn't have Congo ancestry has Carabalí ancestry) is often used, referring to the high degree of people of mixed race in Cuba. Musically, they use the three yuka drums. A pagan ceremony, held by the bantú is called a macuta.
The African people of Congolese origin, as they are referred to in Cuba. Perhaps one of the most influential African cultures throughout the Caribbean area.
Bant is a village in the Dutch province of Flevoland. It is a part of the municipality of Noordoostpolder, and lies about 10 km north of Emmeloord.
Keywords:  kaida, another, name
Another name for a kaida.
British Association of Nutritional Therapists
The acronym for typical lead qualification criteria—budget, authority, need and time frame. Leads become qualified prospects if they can afford your offering, have the authority to buy, need what you are selling and are ready to act within your timeframe.