Definitions for "Atlatl"
Keywords:  spear, thrower, throw, hunt, sling
An Aztec term for spear thrower; a wooden shaft or board used to propel a long, composite spear/dart equipped with a relatively large flaked stone point. Atlatls increased the range and force of the spear, and in North America comprised the primary hunting weapon from about 6,500 B.C. to A.D. 500. Click here to view a video clip describing how to throw an atlatl. You will need a player to view the MOV files. Click here if you want to download a free version of RealPlayer
spear-thrower, used with a spear to make the spear travel farther and with more force
a weighted throwing stick used to increase the distance a spear could be thrown.
Keywords:  spearthrower
Keywords:  gungan, weapon
a Gungan weapon
An atlatl (from Nahuatl atlatl ; in English pronounced atlatl. Unabridged (v 1.0.1), Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. (accessed: October 12, 2006). or atlatl.