Definitions for "Alae"
Keywords:  hindwings
Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses. ALAE are loss adjustment expenses that can be attributed to a specific claim. (see Loss Adjustment Expenses, Unallocated Loss Expenses)
Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses. Expenses within the terms of the insured's policy that are directly allocable to a specific claim. This includes designated lawyer's fees for the investigation of and/or defense of the insured policyholder for the specific claim. It also includes other expenses incurred in the investigation and settlement of claims or suits, the insured's proportion of court costs, prejudgment interest and interest on any judgment or awards. It excludes office expenses and payments to any salaried employee of the insured, subsidiary, or any related or wholly-owned company, as well as any costs incurred in a declaratory judgment action related to the claim.
See Loss Adjustment Expense.
(Nematology) Expansions or projections formed by a longitudinal thickening of the cuticle of a nematode. Cervical alae are confined to the anterior region of nematodes parasitic in animals. Caudal alae occur in the posterior region of males in a number of genera. Longitudinal alae, usually four, extend the length of the body sublaterally. ( 14)
Keywords:  wing, atrium, roman, nose, muscle
Wings off of the atrium of a Roman house.
(L. ala, wing). Relating to a muscle of the nose, and others.