Definitions for "Adjacency"
The relationship between two communicating neighboring peer nodes.
In OSPF, adjacency is created between neighboring routers for exchanging routing information. In OSI, adjacency refers to a directly connected ES or IS that was configured or learned through the ES-IS protocol.
a relationship formed between selected neighboring routers for the purpose of exchanging routing information
A commercial announcement positioned immediately before or after a specific program or programming segment. For example, a race track might request their spot to run "adjacent" to the sports report.
A commercial time slot immediately before or after a specific program.
Time period that immediately precedes or follows a radio or television program, also called a commercial break position
is the graph theoretic expression of the fact that two entities, represented by nodes, are directly related, tied, or connected with one another. Formally, given entities i and j in a set of agents , and the ={ aij} arc s denoting the existence of relations from i to j; i and j are adjacent if there exist either of the two arcs, aij or aji. Given the digraph = (,), its adjacency matrix () is defined by () = { ij} where ij=1 if either aij or aji exists, and 0 otherwise. density Criterion: a procedure for tie assignment in the construction of a blockmodel. According to this criterion, an arc ( AB) between two blocks (A,B) for a given relation is 1 if the observed density of arcs between the two blocks ( AB) is at least as large as , and zero otherwise. Often, is chosen to equal (), the density of the original sociomatrix. Formally, for = ; AB = 1 if AB ³ else AB = 0.
Domains, including product and service platforms, that adjoin existing customer bases and product lines but don't entirely include them. These platforms leverage some, but not all, existing business systems. Adjacent extensions of existing lines bring existing business systems into new industries (customer bases and product types). Variable by degree in the sense that some capability adaptation often is required even in extensions; more significant changes in capability are required in new platform growth.
Search specification that requires words typed into a search query to be next to or near one another.
How close one search word should occur in relationto another search word. For example, one of the Open Text Web Index "Power Searching" options allows you to specify that one word should occur "near" to another or "followed by" another.
Words that are next to each other will be searched in the exact order (e.g., "eating disorders" will be searched as a phrase).
According to Section 400.21(b), general-purpose zone sites must be within 60 miles or 90 minutes driving time of a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry.
The affect of surrounding areas on color vision. A given color area generally looks brighter if the surroundings are dark, and a given color looks more saturated if surrounded by complementary color. This contrast enhancement relates to the general importance of borders in perception. It is primarily the color area borders that signal the mind.
The concept of adjacency refers to the benefit of locating related functions close to each other and (where relevant) close to facilities in our new building. Adjacency aids workflow and the exchange of ideas between staff with a mutual interest in the success of processes that cross function and process boundaries.
The state or attribute of being adjacent or contiguous; contiguity; the attribute of being so near as to be touching; as, the adjacency of lands or buildings.
Store floor plan mapping shelf/fixture/displays and product
That which is adjacent.