Definitions for "Yuki"
Yuki is a character in The Last Blade series of video games. In her attacks, she uses ki to use the element of ice.
Yuki (ユキ, Yuki) is a secondary character in SNK Playmore's King of Fighters videogame series; she was first introduced in the The King of Fighters '97 and King of Fighters: Kyo games. She is a normal school girl as well as Kyo Kusanagi's love interest.
Yuki is a character from SNK Playmore's fighting game Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, being the protagonist of the game, as one of the 3 new and inedit characters of the game (along with Ai and Goodman).
Keywords:  snow, lucky, patch, japanese, white
japanese name which means "snow" or "lucky".
A patch of snow - a white patch