Definitions for "Yuka"
Keywords:  sato, kioku, kiddy, drummer, mirai
YUKA, formally and formerly Yuka Sato (佐藤有香 Satō Yūka), is a Japanese singer, born on December 10, 1970. She's best known for singing "Mirai no Kioku", the opening theme of the anime Kiddy Grade. In June 2000, she married drummer , and in 2003, gave birth to a son.
Keywords:  congolese, kah, rumba, cuba, precursors
( yu kah) is a Congolese music and dance from Cuba. It is a fertility dance and is considered one of the precursors of Rumba.
Keywords:  kaw, floor, you
you-kaw) floor
Keywords:  duck, bow
To duck or bow.
Holtkamp variety (Europe). Miniature African Violet (2-inch pot size) with single, white flowers and light green leaves. More information.