Definitions for "Waalo"
Keywords:  senegal, kingdom, diolof, cayor, jolof
Region east of St. Louis, former Wolof kingdom. Wolof. Predominant ethnic group of Senegal, living mostly in western Senegal. Also, the language of the Wolof, which has become the principal lingua franca of Senegal and is replacing some of the other languages.
The Kingdom of Waalo (Oualo) was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what are now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas north and south, extending to the Atlantic Ocean. To the north were Moorish Emirates; to the south was the Kingdom of Cayor; to the east was Jolof (Diolof).
Keywords:  waalwijk, waalre
Waalre Waalwijk