Definitions for "Vegetative reproduction"
Production of new plants by any asexual method. cf. asexual reproduction.
A sexual reproduction by detachment of some part of the plant, rather than by specialised sexual reproductive organs.
This is effectively plant cloning! Many plants reproduce themselves both sexually, using flowers, pollen, spores, gametophytes and sporophytes and so on. However, this takes a lot of energy, needs certain conditions and may be something a plant only does once a year - or even once a lifetime. Vegetative reproduction can be carried out at any time by a plant. Specialised structures may be grown by the parent plant that, when broken off or carried away, will grow into complete plants; a good example is the strawberry plant that throws out lots of tiny plantlets on long runners. These are fed by the parent plant until they have touched soil and begun to develop their own root system. The link to the parent plant then decays, leaving the new plant to survive on its own. These new plants are genetically identical to the parent, just as a clone would be.