Definitions for "Ubi"
Keywords:  choh, foong, kilangu, umbi, parsnip
also called Umbi [Malay] A general term for a Tuber or Root, although it commonly refers to Potato. It can also refer to Parsnip, Foong Foong Choh [Chinese], Kilangu [Tamil].
quitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase gene: (UCHL1), involved with protein degradation; the UCHL1 protein is highly expressed throughout the brain, to the extent that it makes up perhaps as much as 2% of total soluble brain protein. Replaceable neurons (such as those found in the dentate gyrus and the olfactory bulb, where neurogenesis occurs), and neurons that die in people with diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's have unusually low levels of UCHL1. Rising levels of UCHL1 may be associated with a reduced risk of neuronal death.
ultraviolet blood irradiation. A technique for treatment of blood-borne infections. Blood is drawn from a patient, mixed with anticlotting solution, treated with germicidal ultraviolet waves, and then returned to the body in order to boost the immune system and increase venous blood oxygen levels. Source: BW Healthwire - 4/17/98.
UNIFIED BUSINESS IDENTIFIER. A standard nine digit sequential number used by all state agencies to uniquely identify a business entity.
Unrelated business income. This relates to income that is generated by activities that are not generated as a direct result of the purposes for which the charity is organized. This type of income is taxable to Goodspeed Musicals inspite of its charitable exemption. A charity can lose its tax-exempt status if it receives a substantial portion of its revenues in UBTI.
United Biomedical Incorporated