Definitions for "TROGLODYTE"
Specifically, a cave-dweller of the paleolithic period, after the Tree and before the Flat. A famous community of troglodytes dwelt with David in the Cave of Adullam. The colony consisted of "every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented" -- in brief, all the Socialists of Judah.
One of any savage race that dwells in caves, instead of constructing dwellings; a cave dweller, or cave man. Most of the primitive races of man were troglodytes.
someone who dwells in a cave
Keywords:  wren
The wren.
Keywords:  anthropoid, chimpanzee, ape
An anthropoid ape, as the chimpanzee.
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the troglodyte is a reptilian humanoid. A troglodyte is shorter than a human, with spindly but muscular arms and squat legs. It also has a long, slender tail.
Keywords:  solitude, lives, one
one who lives in solitude