Definitions for "Townie"
Keywords:  lookin, cumbies, dunkies, macd, beaters
a member of a greasy lookin crew a' guys and girls that hang around a Dunkies, a MacD's or a Cumbies all day in their wife-beaters, lookin' for a fight--usually this is for their entire life
Keywords:  ripoff, crappy, adidas, arrogant, shit
an arrogant piece of shit who normally walks around town centres
a the label for a group of people who shit on the english language, wear crappy ripoff adidas clothes, have an I
A Cambridge resident as opposed to a member of Cambridge University. One who supposedly looks down on students as part of the Town and Gown rivalry. - Townee
a person that looks down on everyone that they meet
Keywords:  ain't, 'ard, thinks, person
a person who thinks they is 'ard but ain't
resident of a college town not affiliated with the college
a person who is either too broke, too lazy, or too stupid to get into college
Keywords:  slang, meanings, term
Townie is a slang term, with several meanings.