Definitions for "Tower of Babel"
Keywords:  babel, genesis, heaven, god, escher
(Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another
Always described as some kind of spiral mountain made of brick and mortar, the TOWER OF BABEL was the largest particle-beam tool of its kind in antediluvian times. Built by the Assyrian King NIMROD, this radio transmitting electromagnetic fountain design may have "backfired" and exploded when its " tower beam" reacted with the ozone layer of the upper atmosphere and blew the parabolic crater container out - thus creating the infamous Biblical "bottomless pit" story (Revelations 9:11). See PARABOLIC MIRRORS.
The tower of Genesis 11 built by humans and interpreted by God as an act of defiance. See Chapter 1.
Keywords:  crippling, weakness
a crippling weakness