Definitions for "Toltecs"
Pre Colombian civilization which developed in Central America before Aztecs.
A tribe of warlike natives that invaded the Mayan realm about the time of KULKULCAN. TOLTEC warlords can be found holding "fire cannons" or "flaming fire-rods" on several stele in what is now Central America. They are believed to have altered Mayan timekeeping habits and, as a result, destroyed the harvesting habits of the MAYA which led to their decline.
Nomadic peoples from beyond the northern frontier of the sedentary agricultural area in Mesoamerica; established capital of Tula following migration into central Mesoamerican plateau; strongly militaristic ethic including cult of human sacrifice. (p. 210)
An ancient society of Warriors of personal freedom. They were masters of awareness and great artists of the Spirit and anything they chose to create in their lives.