Definitions for "Tax increment financing"
A tool that redirects a portion of a business's property taxes to the benefit of the business. As the property value increases for a TIF-designated business, the taxes generated by this value "increment" go toward paying the debt incurred for capital (property) improvements made to the area where a business is located, rather than having it go to the general funds of various taxing authorities like cities and school districts.
Tax increment financing (TIF) funds are allocated to a designated project area from an increase in the tax revenue generated by the increased value of the properties located within the project area. The TIF revenue provides a cash flow to fund public improvements on a year-by-year basis, and/or amortize bonds which have been issued to capitalize development programs within the renewal area. Priority has been given to utilize income to develop projects on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.
(TIF): A mechanism that allows local governments to use future projected taxes to finance current infrastructure investments.