Definitions for "Sundew "
Any plant of the genus Drosera, low bog plants whose leaves are beset with pediceled glands which secrete a viscid fluid that glitters like dewdrops and attracts and detains insects. After an insect is caught, the glands curve inward like tentacles and the leaf digests it. Called also lustwort.
any of various bog plants of the genus Drosera having leaves covered with sticky hairs that trap and digest insects; cosmopolitan in distribution
Any of several species of insectivorous bog plants of the genus Drosera. Represented in the North Country by two species, Spatula Leaf Sundew ( Drosera intermedia) and Round Leaf Sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia).
Sundew was a large electrically powered dragline excavator used in mining operations in Rutland and Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom.
Sundew is an easily configurable script that generates a honeypot of literally thousands of bogus email addresses. Being static, they can survive double-checking.