Definitions for "STE"
Station de traitement des effluents
la Série des traités européens
Spanning tree explorer. A single frame generated by an end station configured for spanning tree broadcast routing that follows a loop-free path from source to destination.
Keywords:  tractive, effort, starting
starting tractive effort
section terminating equipment. equipment that terminates the SONET section layer; STE interprets and modifies or creates the section overhead
Special Test Equipment
An acronym for "Speech to Entertain." This event is also known as ADS. For a complete description of this and all other events, see our event descriptions.
Keywords:  teacher, science, education
Science Teacher Education
Keywords:  evaporator, tube, short
Short Tube Evaporator
State Trading  Enterprise Government-owned entity created for the purpose of promoting commodity export.
Keywords:  emission, course
Emission course
Keywords:  minimal, fails, easy, column, pressure
Easy:Column fails with minimal pressure
Keywords:  anything, tape, magnetic, error, bit
Single Track Error. A loss of a recorded "bit" due to anything that causes loss of signal. Single track error performance is a direct indicator of the magnetic quality of the tape.