Definitions for "SHO"
Keywords:  shutout, details
Details ] [ ] Shutouts.
Senior House Office – usually forms GPT.
Station House Officer
Senior Hearing Officer
Keywords:  sheng, nara, quarts, imperial, slender
a traditional Japanese unit of liquid volume. The sho equals 1.8039 liter, which is 1.9061 U.S. quarts or 1.5872 British imperial quarts.
The shō () is a Japanese free reed musical instrument that was introduced from China during the Nara period. It is modeled on the Chinese sheng, although the shō tends to be smaller in size. It consists of 17 slender bamboo pipes, each of which is fitted in its base with a metal free reed.
Syndrome d'Hyperstimulation Ovarienne
Keywords:  tsuba, wakizashi, small
small, wakizashi tsuba
Keywords:  sang, equal, one
10 sho is equal to one sang
The special quality of an individual characeristic of the tree.
Keywords:  medieval, farm
medieval farm
Keywords:  super, output, high
Super High Output