Definitions for "Sequin"
An old gold coin of Italy and Turkey. It was first struck at Venice about the end of the 13th century, and afterward in the other Italian cities, and by the Levant trade was introduced into Turkey. It is worth about 9s. 3d. sterling, or about $2.25. The different kinds vary somewhat in value.
Sequin (zecchino in Italian) is a gold coin weighed 3.5 grams of .986 pure gold, minted by the Republic of Venice in 1284.
adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing
a sewn-on decoration for the embellishment of clothes
a very small, round, shiny piece of metal or plastic that is sewn onto clothing as a decoration
Keywords:  ddbj, embl, genbank, ncbi, submitting
A stand-alone software tool developed by NCBI for submitting and updating entries to the GenBank, EMBL, or DDBJ sequence databases.