Definitions for "SECC"
The SECC is a processor cartridge designed to hold Intel's Pentium II and some external cache. It then plugs into a motherboard that supports Slot 1. This was replaced by SECC2 in some Pentium II 450's and all Pentium III's. SECC2 is a smaller and more cooling efficient design, allowing the processor to come in directo contact with a heatsink.
A Single Edge Contact Cartridge is a type of connection for the CPU to plug into the motherboard. It is the same as Slot 1. All Pentium II and III CPUs are Slot 1, as are some Celeron CPUs. These CPUs require a Slot 1 motherboard using the BX or LX (older) chipsets as well as newer ones. They plug into the motherboard much like a PCI sound card or other component would. Thus, they sit perpendicular to the surface of the motherboard.
South equatorial counter current.
Abbreviation for South Equatorial Countercurrent.
Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales
Keywords:  seoul, chatting, club, english
Seoul English Chatting Club
State Emergency Communications Committee