Definitions for "Sambo"
A negro; sometimes, the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; -- formerly used colloquially or with humorous intent, but now considered offensive or racist by African-Americans.
In Central America, an Indian and negro half-breed, or mixed blood.
A colloquial or humorous appellation for a negro; sometimes, the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; a zambo.
A Russian martial art that combines elements of wrestling and Japanese Judo. Sambo is especially vaunted for its leg submissions. One of the most famous practitioners of Sambo is the "Russian Bear" Oleg Taktarov.
This is the wrestling form developed in Russia. It is deeply influenced by judo, catch wrestling, jacket wrestling, collar and elbow  wrestling etc.
Sambo -- (also called Sombo in the US and sometimes written in all-caps) is a modern martial art, combat sport and self-defense system developed in the former Soviet Union, and recognized as an official sport by the USSR All-Union Sports Committee in 1938, presented by Anatoly Kharlampiev.
Keywords:  sandwich