Definitions for "Rivers"
The park is drained by tributaries of the Baza river, which is in the Guadalquivir basin. The permeable limestone landscape means that there is a lot of underground water, which flows out of the park's plentiful springs and fountains.
The main river is the Río Castril, home to a rich birdlife and many mammals, with many tributaries feeding into it. The park is dotted with many springs, such as Juan Ruiz, Tubos, Lézar and Magadalena, and waterfalls.
The main rivers are the Despeñaperros, Magaña and Campana and the Arroyo del Rey.
A series of word (white) spaces that accidentally form a pattern (rivers) of white space within the columns of type.
Often occurring in justified text, a river is when the space between words lines up over five or six lines so when you look at the text from a distance, there's a long white vertical line of space running through the text, disturbing it's 'texture'.
spaces between words that create irregular lines of white space in body type, particularly occurs when the lines of type have been set with excessive word spacing.
River Values and Environmental Risk System