Definitions for "Reversals"
the result of reversing the order of letters in a word (tap/pat), or confusing similar letters such as d - b, or writing letters backwards. Not uncommon with Emergent readers and writers.
Difficulty in reading or reproducing letters alone, letters in words, or words in sentences in their proper position in space or in proper order. May also refer to reversal of mathematical concepts (add/subtract. multiply/divide) and symbols (; x+). See also Transposition.(1)
180 degree reversals commonly referred to as "rotated reverse" or "reversals" are instant scratch type lottery tickets which are found with the backs of the tickets printed in two different directions for the same issue. Whether these reversals are by design or the result of error or oversight is of no concern.
Are changes in direction for a time series for markets, such as, commodity, stock, currency or interest rates. Often these events are abrupt as prices suddenly change direction or trend.
Keywords:  debit, entry, initiated
A debit reversing an entry previously initiated.