Definitions for "Repaichage"
Keywords:  mud, seaweed, cleanse, herbal, clay
A treatment applied to face or full body using a combination of herbal, seaweed, and clay or mud masks for deep cleansing and moisturizing. Restorative Yoga A series of supported, passive yoga poses that encourage the release of tension in the muscles and spine, quiet the mind, and rejuvenate the body-mind connection. Poses utilize props such as mats, blankets, and blocks and are held for five to 20 minutes while a teacher guides attention to different body parts, sensations, and breathing.
A combination of herbal, clay, seaweed or mud face-packs to cleanse and moisturize.
Full-body treatment meant that uses a combination of clay, herbs, seaweed, and mud to deal with the differing cleansing and moisturizing needs of different parts of your body and face.