Definitions for "Refuges"
Areas of crops which are susceptible to weeds or, more usually, insects, and thus provide a safe haven for them. These are maintained near fields of herbicide tolerant or insect resistant crops with the aim of providing a supply of insects and weeds that remain susceptible to the respective toxin. The strategy is designed to greatly decrease the odds that a resistant insect can emerge from the herbicide tolerant or insect resistant field and choose another resistant insect as a mate. By preventing the pairing of genes conferring resistance, these refuges help ensure that susceptibility is passed on to offspring.
A place where many species have survived past environmental changes. Species may remain restricted to the vicinity of a refuge or disperse from a refuge thus (re)colonising wider areas following further environmental changes. Past refuges might include places where species have survived past glacial periods, eg protected valleys within rainforests, or drought, eg permanent water holes.In the context of climate change, a refuge is a place where species may survive the immediate impacts of climate change and from which they may disperse to colonise new locations as environmental conditions allow.