Definitions for "Quantize"
The process of restricting a variable to a number of discrete values. For example, to limit varying antenna gains to three levels.
A step in the process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal. Quantization measures a sample to determine a representative numerical value that is then encoded. The three steps in analog-to-digital conversion are sampling, quantizing, and encoding.
A step in the process of convertingan analog signal into a digital signal. Quantization measures a sampleto determine a representative numerical value that is then encoded. Thethree steps in analog-to-digital conversion are sampling, quantizing, andencoding.
Forcing the notes in a MIDI sequence to fall on the nearest beat.
A process used in sequencing that fixes rhythmic inaccuracies in a musical track.It rounds off musical notes to the nearest eighth- or sixteenth-note (or any other note value you select).
Even musicians with an amazing sense of rhythm don't always get the intervals between notes or beats exactly right. Quantizing MIDI music aligns the music exactly to the tempo and time signature that you specify.
To convert an asset or liability into a currency other than the regular trading currency.