Definitions for "Qabbalah"
(kab-BA-lah) n. Kabbalah. Qabbalah, Cabbalah, and other spellings. “Reception; Acceptance.” The Kabbalah codifies Jewish mystical teachings from the 13th century and therefore is mainly Jewish Occultic Medievalism. The Jewish mystical doctrine is distinguished by its theory of ten creative forces (Ten Sefirot) that intervene between the infinite, unknowable God (Ein Sof) and our created world. Through these emanations God created and rules the universe, and it is by influencing them that humans cause God to send to Earth forces of compassion (masculine, right side) or severe judgment (feminine, left side).
an esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin based on the Hebrew scriptures and developed between the 7th and 18th centuries
The Hebrew branch of mysticism, noted by its ten divisions of the Universe, called Sephiroth, a belief in the creation of the Universe by a process of successive emanation, and the belief of a cipher hidden within the Hebrew language and the Torah