Definitions for "Primary Color"
Keywords:  cmy, rgb, magenta, cyan, gamut
is a basic colour which cannot be obtained by mixing other colours. Red, green and blue are the three primary colors which can be mixed to produce other colours.
One of the three colors that cannot be attained by mixing. When equal amounts of two primary colors are mixed, a first-order secondary color is produced. Every color model is comprised of three primary colors. The additive primary colors are red, green and blue (RGB). The subtractive primary colors are cyan, magenta and yellow (CMYK – K stands for key and refers to black for contrast). Each secondary color of the one color model is a primary color in the other. A second-order secondary color is produced by mixing different amounts of two primary colors. Tertiary colors are a combination of different amounts of all three primary colors.
One of the light colors-blue, red, or green-that can be mixed to form almost any color.