Definitions for "Nitpicking"
Keywords:  episode, sitcom, pastime, trivial, dear
Nitpicking is the pastime of finding, often trivial, mistakes in movies and television shows. These mistakes can range from inconsistencies between episodes in a series, to plot devices and oversights, to production problems.
Nitpicking is an episode of U.S. television sitcom Yes, Dear.
quibbling over insignificant details; "caviling pettifoggers and quiggling pleaders"-Edmund Burke; "her nagging and carping attack"; "thought her editor unnecessarily nitpicking"; "a pettifogging lawyer's mind"; "had no patience with quibbling critics"
Keywords:  louse, lice, shave, saliva, combs
Nitpicking is the act of removing nits (the eggs of lice, generally head lice) from the host's hair. As the nits are cemented to individual hairs with louse saliva, they cannot be removed with lice combs and, before modern chemical methods were invented, the only options were to shave all the host's hair or to pick them free one by one.