Definitions for "Newsfeeds"
Keywords:  domit, rss, parser, joomla, mention
Newsfeeds are a way of sharing content between different sites. The types of Newsfeeds are currently available to display and produce (RSS versions, Atom, etc). The code is produced by the DOMIT parser. This sharing method is meant for creating a news introduction in the way the provider wants it and it normally has a link to the provider's web site. Joomla offers you the possibility to both offer and display Newsfeeds.
Include the types of newsfeeds currently available to display and produce (RSS versions, Atom, etc). You may also want to mention that this is produced by the DOMIT parser.
Keywords:  headlines, reader, story, xml, series
Newsfeeds are based upon XML. A newsfeed reader loads this XML file and converts its content to a series of headlines with links back to the full story. for an example see our newsfeed
The way in which two news servers will exchange news. One news server connects to another and he make the exchange.