Definitions for "Nettles"
A plant rich in vitamins. The stems can be processed into a thread similar to linen.
Urtica Dioica. An herb obtained from the stinging weed. Rich in minerals and plant hormones. Known for its tonic, astringent and revitalizing properties. Stimulates hair growth and adds shine and softness to hair.
stinging nettles, a.k.a. "Hellweed", leafy knee-high plant which grows profusely in shady, damp places-- i.e. most cave areas. Tiny hairs on the underside of the leaves secrete an oil which gives the skin a burning sensation. The sensation is delayed 10-20 seconds, so those who are unwary usually end up in a really thick patch before realizing it. Good for tricking novices ("is that an entrance over there?") Nettles are reason to avoid caving in the summer. Nasty.
the roots and leaves of nettles have been traditionally used for asthma relief, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract; nettles are also high in protein and in minerals.
Whereas saw palmetto protects against prostate enlargement caused by DHT, nettle root is required to inhibit the proliferation of prostate cells in response to estrogen and SHBG.
The halves of yarns in the unlaid end of a rope twisted for pointing or grafting.
Keywords:  hammocks, sling, deck, beams, small
Small lines used to sling hammocks under the deck beams.
Keywords:  reef, points
Reef points.