Definitions for "Months"
Keywords:  february, april, january, maysayon, yon
It is relatively easy for the students to remember how many days each month has. Months ending in kom have 31 days and yon have 30. For example, January (31 days) Mokgarakom and April (30 days) Maysayon.
(northern hemisphere seasons apply) Wolf-month: January Raven-month: February Hungry-month: March Thaw-month: April Flower-month: May Rose-month: June Harvest-month: July Weed-month: August DeadLeaf-month: September Bone-month: October Frost-month: November Snow-month: December
Month names that head data columns in this report indicate: Snow depth and snow water equivalent measurements that are usually taken near the end or middle of the month, and reported as first of month or fifteenth of month readings. This explains why, for example, a February 27 and a March 15 reading are shown under the March column. Precipitation increment or catch measured during the month indicated.