Definitions for "Miljoenenjacht"
Keywords:  ipa, loterij, nemen, laten, grootaers
Miljoenenjacht (; IPA: ), officially Postcode Loterij Miljoenenjacht, is a Dutch game show, the format of which has been successfully exported to numerous countries, where it is often known as Deal or No Deal. The show has been aired since 2005 on the Dutch television channel Talpa, but was originally broadcast by TROS on Nederland 2 from its start in 2001. The game is hosted by Linda de Mol, in the national language, Dutch.
Miljoenenjacht (English: Hunting Millions; IPA: ) is the Belgian version of Deal or No Deal. It is hosted by Walter Grootaers, and the top prize is €1,000,000. The show has recently switched networks and now has a new title, Te Nemen of Te Laten.