Definitions for "Metaphors"
suggest comparison between two different things, e.g., Bill Gates has a heart of gold . . . His mind is a sharp razor.
as in "interface metaphor," these are designed to be similar to physical entities but also have their own properties. They might use familiar knowledge to allow unfamiliar things to be understood. In rules, an authoring metaphor might be similar to a familiar program like Excel, but with more complex background processes. The Haley business rule authoring system on the Web allows for great flexibility in authoring metaphors and customizable user interfaces. Object Model: defines the structural relationships and dynamic interaction between a group of related objects. HaleyAuthority leverages an application's object model, .NET or Java, so that HaleyAuthority can understand and automatically translate English to code. Rete Algorithm: is an efficient pattern matching algorithm for implementing rule-based ("expert") systems. The Rete algorithm was designed by Dr. Charles L. Forgy of Carnegie Mellon University in 1979. Rete has become the basis for many popular expert systems, including OPS5, CLIPS, JESS, and LISA.
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