Definitions for "mass spectrometer"
An analytical instrument which determines the mass of molecules of a substance or fragments of its molecules. It functions by injecting ionized moecules or molecular gragments into a vacuum chamber subjected to a strong magnetic field, in which charged particles move in a curved trajectory.
an instrument that separates ionized atoms or molecules based upon their ratio of charge to mass.
An instrument that measures the masses and relative abundances of a sample that has been vaporized and ionized.
a device which bombards a compound to produce a series of charged fragments and then sorts them according to their mass
a piece of laboratory equipment that works by bombarding a chemical sample with a beam of electrons, which causes the compound to fragment and its components to be rearranged
Keywords:  contest, audience, spitting
Audience at a spitting contest.
a delicate piece of equipment and is expensive to maintain
a machine used to determine the contents of an unknown substance