Definitions for "Malla"
dynasty of the Kathmandu valley (Nepal) who ruled from the 13th to the 18th century. The acme in monuments and statue crafting, during the Malla period, is mainly later than the 16th century
The Malla Dynasty was a Newari Dynasty that ruled Nepal from the twelfth century AD to the seventeenth century AD. Malla kings of Nepal visited Lumbini in 11th and 12th century. Mallas were one of the Mahajanapadas.
The Malla are frequently mentioned in Buddhist and Jain works. They were a powerful people dwelling in Eastern India. Panduputra Bhimasena is said to have conquered the chief of the Mallas in course of his expedition of Eastern India.
Keywords:  duper, super, hit, movie
a super duper hit movie