Definitions for "Knot garden"
is a very formal design of garden in a square frame and grown with a variety or aromatic plants and culinary herbs including Germander, marjoram, thyme, southernwood, lemonbalm, hyssop, costmary, acanthus, mallow, chamomile, rosemary, Calendulas, Violas and Santolina. Most knot gardens had edges made from Box (Buxus sempervirens) whose foliage has a sweet smell when bruised. The paths between were usually laid with fine gravel. Most Renaissance knot gardens were composed of square compartments. A small garden might consist of one compartment, while large gardens might contain six or eight compartments.
An elaborately designed garden consisting of flowers, herbs and/or low shrubs arranged in intricate, geometric knot-like patterns when seen from above.
A type of formal garden design in which lines of different colored or textured shrubs appear to weave in and out of each other.
Keywords:  topiary, complex, form
a complex form of topiary
Keywords:  labour, investment, long, money, time
a long term investment in terms of time, labour and money