Definitions for "Juicing"
Means two things; A wrestler who is be bleeding. It also means a wrestler who is taking steroids.
In professional wrestling, juicing or color is the slang term for bleeding. Contrary to popular perception, most blood in pro wrestling is real, not theatrical makeup. Juicing is accomplished by use of a blade and is generally self-inflicited in a subtle way which will allow the marks in the crowd to think that it was inflicted from a blow by the opponent.
As A Treatment"...people simply do not consume enough each day and many of the liquids that we do drink - such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and artificially-flavored drinks - contain substances ( diuretics) that promote water excretion..."
As A Treatment"...Juicing provides health benefits for several reasons ... It often contains chlorophyll and special protective phytochemicals which prevent chronic degenerative disease..."
Juicing utilizes fresh, raw juice of vegetables and fruit to nourish and replenish the body, especially during periods of stress, illness or where the body is lacking such nourishment. Juicing can be utilized as nutritional support, or as part of a daily health maintenance plan.