Definitions for "Johrei"
Keywords:  okada, mokichi, mikao, reiju, kyo
Johrei is a religion or spiritual practice that was developed by Mokichi Okada, a contemporary of Mikao Usui. He founded Sei Kai Kyu Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the JohreiÃ’ Fellowship. Like Reiki, Johrei also uses Reiju to empower its followers. A "Johrei Reiki" was developed from Raku Kai Reiki using the White Light (Johrei) symbol as part of its practices and Attunements. The name was changed to Vajra Reiki after some legal entanglements over the use of the word Johrei. The Fellowship maintains a website at
According to followers of Mokichi Okada, Johrei is a method of channeling divine light into the body of a patient through the palm of the administrator. To do this, the administrator holds his/her hand about a foot away from the area to which the spiritual power is purported to be directed.