Definitions for "Islamist"
a supporter of Islamic political rule
A person or an organization using Islamic religious precepts to form a political ideology.
Islamist is a term often used to refer to Muslims who are fundamentalist in their theology and willing to consider political organizing and/or violent action to bring about a world consistent with that theology. Islamists often differ drastically on their attitude to democracy, political party organizing, and the state itself. There is for instance a large moderate Islamist party in the majority in the Turkish government which favours strong alliances with the European Union.
Keywords:  fascist, danger, way
a danger in the same way a fascist is a danger
a mentally deranged man living in a colony of otherwise healthy people
a widely used and commonly accepted term for a person who subscribes to the militant, radical version of islam
Keywords:  believer, follower
a believer or follower of Islam