Definitions for "Insulinoma"
Benign (nonmalignant) tumor of insulin secreting cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. It results in excessive insulin production and is one of the main causes of hypoglycemia. See Hypoglycemia. It is a rare disease and very difficult to diagnose because symptoms are often vague and mimic neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Treatment is usually surgical removal of the tumor. Frequent high carbohydrate meals or medication may also be used.
a noncancerous tumor of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas; the tumor releases excess insulin into the blood, causing glucose levels to drop dangerously low
an islet cell tumour that secretes excess insulin, and may occasionally secrete other hormones, including gastrin, ACTH, and glucagon
a malignant type of cancer that produces an excess quantity of the hormone, insulin